Where can I stream from Apple Music and Spotify?

The iOS and Web versions of Stationhead stream from both Apple Music and Spotify. Currently, when listening on Android devices, you can only link your Spotify account to hear music.

Can I join Stationhead without Spotify Premium?

All users need to link their premium Spotify or Apple Music accounts in order to listen to music and have it added to streaming totals for those services.

Do The Streams Count Toward Charts (such as Billboard)?

Yes. As all music streams come directly from your Apple Music and Spotify accounts, every play counts as a stream. For every listener you have, you generate a stream. For example, if you have 100 listeners, you have generated 100 streams for that track.

Will The Free Version Of Spotify Work?

No. You will need Spotify Premium or an Apple Music subscription to listen and play music.

Can I Switch Between My Spotify And Apple Music Accounts?

Yes, you can customize your streaming service (and other features such as notifications) directly from the settings wheel in the upper right corner of your station.

How can I change my profile picture on Stationhead?

Tap your profile pic to go to your station and tap it again to customize your avatar.

How Do I Get Started?

Check out our step-by-step guide at

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